
In a constant thought and revolving dreams it is trapped in bone and engraved in tissue.

It is forced to be revisited,

It is a constant wound,

It is pain,

It is love,

It was happiness cut too short.

It is a broken promise of life that left to soon. It was mean, and then not.

My heart.

 My love. 

You have consumed my every thought. You have served me sweet  memories filled with hope and left a bitter taste of disappointment on my tongue. 

You were a promise of future that never came to be. You had fulfilled my every dream and I had to bare the pain of that loss both physically and mentally. 

I am a shell.

I am broken.

I am wounded.

My mind has fallen in despair. You are a part of me that died but you took me with you.

Suadede my soul.

My baby.

Suadede, mi amor.